BOA Pro Licenses

BOA remains a Free/Libre Open Source Project. While all of BOA code is Free/Libre Open Source, only the BOA LTS branch and Ægir are available without any cost or restrictions. The BOA PRO branch is available in three main variants, and while all PRO licenses will grant access to the same BOA PRO branch and features, they will differ in terms of available support levels. You can obtain a BOA PRO license below.




/month /server

Devuan OS or Upgrade from Debian
Support: Helpdesk + Email
Standard Best Effort SLA < 24h /Mon-Fri
Critical RE-SLA < 60 min /Mon-Fri
System health and uptime monitoring 24/7
Weekly Barracuda Managed Update
BOA Full Upgrade on New Release
Training in the first 30 days



/month /server

Devuan OS or Upgrade from Debian
Support: Helpdesk, Email, Skype
Standard RE-SLA < 3h /Mon-Fri
Critical RE-SLA < 60 min /24x7
System health and uptime monitoring 24/7
Weekly Barracuda Managed Update
BOA Full Upgrade on New Release
Training in the first 30 days



/month /server

Devuan OS or Upgrade from Debian
Support: GitHub Issue Queue
Without Standard RE-SLA
Without Critical RE-SLA
Self System health and uptime monitoring
Self Barracuda Managed Update
Self BOA Full Upgrade on New Release
Self Training

BOA PRO Hands-Off

This license is for BOA users who prefer to delegate all the work needed to maintain their BOA server, including regular upgrades (both BOA and major OS upgrades), active monitoring, and responding to DoS incidents. It comes with a fully managed BOA PRO installation you can use without worrying about anything else, with our general SLA guarantee applied: SLA. System local and remote uptime monitoring with Site24x7 is included.

Ideal for: Enterprises requiring comprehensive, around-the-clock support with quick response times for all issues.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs »

BOA PRO Advanced

This license is designed for BOA users who are familiar with managing their own server but need assistance in handling their custom needs or fixing individual problems privately via our helpdesk at Ægir Helpdesk, without posting details on GitHub. There is no SLA guarantee, only a Best Effort guarantee. System local and remote uptime monitoring with Site24x7 is included.

Ideal for: Medium to large businesses needing reliable support during business hours with quick response times for critical issues.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs »


This license is designed for BOA users familiar with managing and monitoring their own systems who don't need extended support, monitoring, or assistance in managing their BOA installation and updates. Our support is limited to the Issue Queue on GitHub without any kind of SLA or Best Effort guarantee.

Ideal for: Small businesses or developers who need basic support and can handle issues independently or with community help.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs »